Meme Generator by Piñata Farms

Meme Generator by Piñata Farms

By Pinata Farms

  • Category: Graphics & Design
  • Release Date: 2020-11-30
  • Current Version: 24.06.13
  • Adult Rating: 12+
  • File Size: 328.38 MB
  • Developer: Pinata Farms
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 15.0 or later.
Score: 4.7
From 23,081 Ratings


Piñata Farms is the #1 Meme Generator, Meme Maker and Meme Creator in the market. As seen all over the internet, Piñata Farms is the first social video app that lets you put anyone or anything in an existing video -- making it the fastest way to roast your friends. Piñata Farms stands out as a top-tier Meme Generator, Meme Maker, and Meme Creator, acclaimed across the digital landscape. This platform revolutionizes social video interaction by enabling users to seamlessly integrate any person or object into existing videos, solidifying its status as a leading Meme Maker and Meme Generator. Every video in Piñata Farms transforms into a piñata, brimming with numerous small items for you to discover, use, and reimagine in your unique creations, showcasing your skills as a Meme Creator and Meme Generator. The Meme Maker capabilities extend beyond just videos. Piñata Farms excels as a Meme Creator with its cutting-edge technology that effortlessly isolates heads from photos. This feature not only recognizes poses and emotions but also compiles head packs, enhancing its reputation as a versatile Meme Generator and Meme Maker. Furthermore, the app's ability to flawlessly extract objects underlines its prowess as a Meme Creator. The app is abundant with thousands of items and heads, instantly accessible for your creative endeavors, solidifying its position as a premier Meme Generator and Meme Maker. As a Meme Creator on Piñata Farms, your creativity earns recognition. Craft the most outlandish tales and share them, either in the app's main feed or through group chats, or export them to other social platforms. This feature has already amazed the many users of our beta version, enhancing our reputation as a quick and efficient Meme Maker and Meme Generator. The secret behind Piñata Farms' remarkable capabilities as a Meme Generator, Meme Maker, and Meme Creator lies in its advanced computer vision technology. This patent-pending innovation is just a glimpse of what's to come, promising to elevate your experience as a Meme Creator. Piñata Farms empowers you to roast anything and anyone, in any scenario, with limitless creativity. This platform is not just a Meme Maker and Meme Generator; it's a tool to unleash your imagination. Lastly, Piñata Farms recognizes humor as a unifying and healing force. In these challenging times, we encourage you to embrace light-heartedness. Join us at Piñata Farms, not just as a user of a Meme Maker and Meme Generator but as a part of a community that values laughter and joy.



  • First All How About Enough With The Update Already.

    By Dragon1291
    First All How About Enough With The Update Already And Zip-it Already And Whatever.
  • I love your game it is so much fun to make faces like meme on different famous people🥰

    By kah82hsw
    I love this game so much hope y’all bug fix is working🥰
  • Fix bug

    By Sergettef
    I can’t send invites because the button won’t work and I want to make new videos for people to farm
  • Many functions don’t work

    By asrofo
    I recently paid for a year subscription to this app and I highly regret it. Everything is seeming buggy for me. When logging in I always have to try twice. The first time I open the app it always freezes. I also can’t seem to click any hash tagged topic. It’s not a very responsive app. I also tried to upload a video to request adding a meme to it. It’s been weeks and I’m still waiting. I feel this app should be smarter and be more instant. It should track faces on a video easily and let me place stickers. It’s just very lack luster for a $40 fee
  • Disgruntled user

    By WARLORD65
    I paid for the year like 2 months ago and it still doesn’t work right. Sometimes it just stays stuck on the piñata loading screen. I even emailed support and no response yet.
  • Your black!!!!!

    By Itsaubreeperiod223456
  • It was good but not anymore

    By Gk300k
    It was good a few years ago but it’s changed and to be honest it pretty useless now. You can’t upload videos like you used to be able to. Also, you can only do one upload then you have to invite people to earn more uploads!!! This is crazy considering that this is a paid app!!! Then when you do upload video you have to wait for approval to use it…man it’s bad! If you’re expecting this to function like it did in past years you are going to be disappointed….
  • Charged me for the full year during free trial!

    By Squirrel 777
    I accepted a 3 day full access trial, and was immediately charged the full year of service. I have made several attempts to get a refund, but it’s just crickets, I have heard nothing! So disappointing. Worst part is the app thinks my trial is over and wants me to pay again to have full access. Garbage!!
  • App crashes daily

    By Choiewood619
    This app is extremely frustrating. Pretty much crash once a day and when this happens you loose any drafts you had been working on. I paid for the full version of the app and its cost me so much time having to redo projects that were deleted after the app crashes. I also uploaded one project to have them make it editable using my 1 request. it’s been over a week and they have not sent anything back yet. All in all I like the app but they really need to make sure saved drafts actually stay saved.
  • What is this

    By angry white christian female
    This app is trash says my password that is real and my phone number that is real I tried two and both didn’t work and I couldn’t even use the app trash app I would give it 0 stars but I can’t



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