Statistics Calculator Plus

Statistics Calculator Plus

By Heng Jia Liang

  • Category: Utilities
  • Release Date: 2022-07-04
  • Current Version: 1.0
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 7.50 MB
  • Developer: Heng Jia Liang
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 12.0 or later.
Score: 1
From 2 Ratings


Statistics Calculator is math calculator to find the sum, minimum, maximum, count, mean, median, mode, variance and standard deviation for a sample data set. Features: • Instant calculation. • The result is copy able to another app. • The formula is included as reference. • Support up to 16 decimal places. • Support various unit for each input. Statistic is a single measure of some attribute of a sample (e.g. its arithmetic mean value). It is calculated by applying a function (statistical algorithm) to the values of the items of the sample, which are known together as a set of data. Statistics Formulas: Count [n] - The total number of data in data set. Minimum - The smallest value in data set. Maximum - The largest value in data set. Sum - The total sum of all data values. (x1 + x2 + ... + xn) Mean - The sum of all of the data values divided by data count mean = sum / n Median - The median is the middle value. If there is an even number of observations, the median is the average of the two middle values Mode - The value or values that occur most frequently in the data set. Variance - The sum of the squared differences between data values and the mean, divided by the total count - 1 [ (x1 - mean)² + (x2 - mean)² + ... + (xn - mean)² ] / [n - 1] Standard Deviation [s] - The square root of the variance √variance Thanks for your support and do visit for more apps for your iOS devices.



  • Buggy constantly crashes

    By Denny Mendes
    This app is buggy and it is constantly crashing.



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