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» Hardcore Bullet Play - Gun Gale Online // SAO II: Phantom Bullet AMV

2014-08-12 5 580 Vimeo

Song: Float Away -- Artist: Dougal & Gammer -- Anime: Sword Art Online II: Phantom Bullet Arc (Gun Gale Online) -- Footage used: Episodes 2-5 After such a long time I've finally put out something new! I've been really busy this past year working on other video projects, art projects, etc that I never had the time or patience to finish another AMV. Though now that SAO II came out I was immediately inspired to make an AMV for it. (You'll be seeing more in the future) I still have a few other unfinished AMVs I'm not sure I'll finish or end up posting but we'll see. Otherwise, next plan is to make another Gun Gale Online AMV. If this happens to get deleted check out my weebly website ( I chose this song because me and my other half Teebs-kun went to an anime convention rave (Colossalcon) and we danced to this song. It stood out most to me and gave me a fond memory. Plus it had the kind of pace and sound I was looking for. I gave this AMV the name "Hardcore Bullet Play" because for one, the song is hardcore UK music and it just sounded a lot more exciting and fast paced then Float Away. Plus there's lots of gun play in the video. I learned a lot of new techniques and how to mask a bit better as I was making this so it was quite the long process. Still learning new things and how to transition better and do more beat effects. Overall I'm happy with it but didn't get to use some scenes from episodes I really wanted to use... so with the next GGO amv expect them to get used. I didn't mean to use so much of the gambling/cowboy fight footage but I started making the AMV after episode 4 aired and wasn't sure if I was going to finish the AMV before episode 5 aired. Editing software used: Sony Vegas Pro 10 Disclaimer: The rights to the clips belong to Aniplex & Kadokawa Entertainment while the music rights belong to Dougal & Gammer. I have posted this AMV for entertainment purpose only under non-profit use.

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