Surprise Me!

Kring+July Wedding Trailer

2015-07-04 0 537 Vimeo

For yesterday's memories, today's love & tomorrow's dreams...The Mark & Kresia Wedding highlights by HDStudio! More wedding stories & how we've been at *** Here are some highlights of the wedding ceremony: 1. The aisle was adorned by a tarpaulin printed with the couple’s pictures for 6 years w/ the friends that they shared it with. It was named “A Walk To Remember”. Indeed it was. 2. The modified ceremony flow where the bridesmaids and groomsmen starts the processional by lighting the candle of their assigned color. They stayed on their spot until everything was finished. This change gives a whole new meaning to being an entourage. And personally, while I was walking through the aisle seeing them on each side assures me that if ever I tripped, I have them at my beck and call. It was very heartwarming. :) 3. The meetup of families in the center where the Groom and his Mom walks from the altar to his Bride and her family. 4. The walking of the couple from the meetup into their seat, followed by the parents and the entourage. 5. The lighting of unity candle before the offertory. Then after the couple stands in front of the officiant personally receiving the gifts from their friends, then handing it to the officiant. 6. The personal wedding vows 7. The bearers. Best man holds the ring, Groom’s best friend holds the coin. 8. The wedding rites where the parents, principal sponsors, best man and maid of honor stays close to the couple as they vow before God. 9. The recessional where all guests are encouraged to exit through the aisle where the entourage are standing. When the couple exits, bubbles are blown. 10. And of course, the violin playing on the processional. It was heavenly that when I started walking, Leah Salonga’s Two Words is played. I couldn’t help the tears from falling. I did try not to cry. Here are some highlights of the wedding reception: 1. The reception was decorated by the couples themselves. 2. The centerpieces which are all DIYs consists of a picture vase from the couples’ travels and mountains trekked, origami bouquet made by the bride & bridesmaids, framed picture of the mountain of which the table is named. Giveaways, guest book & pens are also placed in the center. 3. The wedding runner from the ceremony is placed unto the reception at the center. 4. Instead of big overbearing cakes, the sweets are composed of cupcakes, cake pops and a small wedding cake. 5. The seat names are taped unto the place mat. 6. 4 photo books made by the bride of their 6 years together was placed on the memory table for guests perusal. 7. All the mountains trekked by the couple is placed on the guests’ table. All the trips are placed in a separate frames on the memory table. 8. Wedding entourage dances to a taped piano music of George Feyer. 9. When the couple are called, music changed and it was ended w/ a “Let’s Twist Again” dance joined by guests & entourage. 9. Picture taking at the presidential before eating. 10. Taped instrumental are played over lunch and when everyone was seated AVPs are played. 11. Heart warming messages from families & friends. 12. Message from the Best Man caused a stir. 13. Surprise dance from the Groom. 14. Couple dance w/ a dancing twist in the end. A mix of music starting from Chicken Dance, Macarena and Asereje. 15. Guests interview Here are some general facts about the wedding: 1. The theme was a modified rainbow. The sequence of colors are Blue, Yellow, Orange, Purple, Pink. 2. The bridesmaids’ sandals are of the same style. 3. The groom & groomsmen’s shoes are all Converse low cut chucks w/ the same color of their bow tie. 4. The bridesmaids’ head dress are hand made and is distinct w/ a single stone of their color. 5. Separate HMUA for the bridesmaids and Bride. 6. Pictures at the hotel consists of couple pictures and by pair pictures. Yes, the Bride and Groom already saw each other before the ceremony. 7. Prenup bundle included in the Photo&Video was converted to a postnup shoot at SRP baywalk. It was very windy but we had fun. 8. Because the Groom’s Dad couldn’t join the event, a photo shoot was done after the reception. 9. The total cost of the wedding is estimated at 130K. 10. 50% of the wedding cost are covered by sponsorship. 11. No debts are incurred. 12. Couples are left w/ money enough for a honeymoon but are hesitant to spend it. 13. The wedding preparation is only about 1.5 months. 14. The bride’s bouquet is given to her closest gay friend. 15. It was simple but a memorable one. And as the Bride would say…”It is truly a wedding of KRING & JULY”!

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