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Cinematic Bedrooms

2016-01-10 110 8,134 Vimeo

This is not the new multi-film montage I hinted at in the description to Rocky: The Distance. No, this one I've in fact had completed for a while now. Back in June I was commissioned by an international agency called Out There to create a montage that depicted the scope of situations and emotions that occur in bedrooms in film. I'd be remiss to not give them a proper plug so here's their nifty website for any interested folks: For those of you who've been reading all these descriptions in my videos, you'll note that June was the point when I moved across the country to start a new full-time job. Even with this precarious timing I jumped at the opportunity to specifically create a montage that wasn't just for my own amusement. Thus I completed this baby in just under a week while at the same time starting at that aforementioned employment. Since the agency was going to use it for internal research purposes, I've had to wait until they were done with it and gave me the go ahead to put it online. I'm actually pretty satisfied with the way it turned out and I like the concept of just exploring one setting through multiple films so I might do another one like this in the future, who knows. For real though, my next montage is well on it's way and is indeed sorta related to the Rocky one. So, here are the films used in this bedroom montage: 00:01 - Hotel Chevalier (2007) 00:06 - Pillow Talk (1959) 00:09 - When Harry Met Sally... (1989) 00:12 - (500) Days of Summer (2009) 00:14 - Lost In Translation (2003) 00:17 - Amélie (2001) 00:19 - Bright Star (2009) 00:23 - Nine 1/2 Weeks (1986) 00:28 - American Gigolo (1980) 00:32 - A Single Man (2009) 00:37 - Her (2013) 00:41 - Charlie's Angels (2000) 00:45 - Garden State (2004) 00:50 - AMerican Beauty (1999) 00:52 - Scary Movie 4 (2006) 00:54 - Sex and The City (2008) 00:56 - Mamma Mia! (2008) 01:00 - Finding Neverland (2004) 01:02 - Indecent Proposal (1993) 01:04 - It's Complicated (2009) 01:08 - Shelock Holmes (2009) 01:11 - Marie Antoinette (2006) 01:16 - Iron Man (2008) 01:18 - Notting Hill (1999) 01:21 - Pride And Prejudice (2005) 01:26 - Revolutionary Road (2008) 01:31 - The Reader (2008) 01:35 - In The Mood For Love (2000) 01:38 - The Wolf Of Wall Street (2013) 01:41 - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (1963) 01:43 - Romance & Cigarettes (2005) 01:45 - The Exorcist (1973) 01:47 - Ghostbusters (1984) 01:49 - 50 First Dates (2004) 01:52 - Planes, Trains & Automobiles (1987) 01:54 - Trainspotting (1996) 01:56 - The Godfather (1972) 01:59 - A Nightmare On Elm Steet (1984) 02:01 - Along Came Polly (2004) 02:04 - Pretty Woman (1990) 02:08 - 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) Music: Comptine d'un autre été : L'Après-Midi - Yann Tiersen (from the original motion picture score of Amélie) Disclaimer: I do not own any of the films used in this compilation. I mean I have some of them on DVD but I don't have the copyrights for them so don't sue me.

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