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Truth be told, "BETTER THAN HOLLYWOOD” Series 82 part I the master sessions

2011-01-30 2 753 Vimeo

Truth be told, "BETTER THAN HOLLYWOOD” Series 82 part I sessions By Marvin Bugalu Smith Baba Marvin Bugalu Smith series 82 Modern drummer Magazine it took me 61 years of playing drums to get in the #1 drum Magazine in this world page 90 & 91 get your copy of my true story of winning by playing drums Is a different kind of Baba Marvin bugalu Smith with his jazz master’s his deep friends Neil Alexander on his piano from A TO Z as bugalu calls it, and Grammy winning producer, engineer & musician Malcolm Cecil bass, this music starts off very different the first song is 18: minutes long with no picture it’s a sound check done by bugalu’s recording engineer Andrew Greeney who did nine month’s study with Grammy winning producer, engineer & musician Malcolm Cecil bass The second part of this show is the video to give the listener A view of the music being created right on the spot in your face then Malcolm Cecil bass, share his wisdom on Steve wonder’s inner vision record which Malcolm Cecil recorded when he was a producer at electric Lady land in New York City just listen a learn from the master him self. Steve Habib wrote: Series 82 is vivid, especially during the first 18 minutes and 50 seconds as you must use your mind to create the video picture. Things happen moment to moment in Marvin Bu Ga Lu Smith's world and so now you get a taste of the music from a different perspective. With no video to view, you're forced into Universal Space. Sun Ra, always said, "SPACE IS THE PLACE" but guess who spent much time with SUNNY.... Marvin!!!!!!!!!!!!! The culmination of all the thoughts of space, breath and infinite dimension are here, within your own mind. You can visulaize whatever you want to visulaize as Neal Alexander and Marvin take you into a new world. A dancing world of funky swing and magical colors of compassion and love. The love of playing and creating new things to dream about. Experimenting with 12 tones is easy when you can allow yourself to react to each other and blend your feelings together to reach new heights of communication. The 18 minutes and 50 seconds of beautiful sounds flew by quickly, too quickly because I was enjoying the connection of these two MASTERFUL PLAYERS SO MUCH that I became lost in space and floating along with them simply enjoying the ride they took me on. I loved this funky music because it was swinging so hard like sort of a new BE BOP way of doing things but not drawing from anything other than the love of just playing. The colors were so bright and the grooves that were created were constantly changing with new surprises harmonically. I think Neal Alexander is a brilliant,creative artist who has such an openess to each player he paints pictures with, especially here as the first part of SERIES # 82 allows the listener to view the pictures through his own, individual mind and draw his own conclusions from his own individual reaction to all the sound vibrations coming together, one after the other and always exploding into new avenues to go down. New cities to explore, new countries and new worlds. It's all up to you to decide on this part. The first part of this SERIES, opens NEW DOORS, PATHS and CHALLENGES for you, the listener. When the video picture starts and continues for another 50 to 60 minutes, the fun starts as Malcom Cecil enters with the bass, bowing some beauty and expressing such lovliness that Neal Alexander and Marvin come together on a velvet field smooth flowing sound vibration from the bass tones and lay down some extremely interesting talk between each other that makes you want to join in and participate. You almost feel like you're there till you walk away for a second to get a drink of water to hydrate yourself because of all the emotions that was taken out of you as you listen, then you realize it's a musical dream created by these three imaginative MASTERS. After the first song, Malcom Cecil talks about his experiences with Stevie Wonder. Malcom is a Grammy winner and produced many of Stevie Wonder's record sessions and was his engineer, bass player and simply an inspiration to Stevie in every way. Listening to Malcom's stories here on Series # 82 about his days with Stevie Wonder's Project is so enlightening. The stories are so interesting as Malcom talks about Stevie's perspective of things from the audience aide as things to him were viewed that way, seeing things in reverse. The "SUPERSTITION" talk here ended up with Neil, Malcom and Marvin all grooving hard playing SUPERSTITION and you can here the words remembering what Malcom was talking about. The influence we have on each other as performing artists, composers, engineers, producers is absolutely amazing. That's what music is. The 12 tones are really not many in the literal sense but the thousands and thousands of combinations that can be created and the unique ways that they can be expressed, is what makes this series especially interesting and valuable as these three MASTERS explore each others experiences through deep, intimate feelings that they end up blending together. Practically all cultures can be heard in this music and world influences as well as OUT OF THIS WORLD INFLUENCES. You're in every country of the world at the same time during the center of these songs.Feelings and communicating them is always the key, NOT HOW FAST YOU CAN PLAY OR HOW MANY PEOPLE YOU IMPRESS. Mr. PC, the last tune on this session was a swinging example of Jazz. Other selections that were done through the evening represented funk,rock and practically all styles of music and it can be done because ALL MUSIC IS BEAUTIFUL and PEOPLE ARE BEAUTIFUL. So the question is, WHY CAN'T PEOPLE GET ALONG and LOVE EACH OTHER INSTEAD OF SHITTING ON EACH OTHER AND PISSING EACH OTHER OFF? WHY DO FOLKS WANT TO "GET OVER" ON EACH OTHER? WHY CAN'T THE ALL EMBRACE MUSIC, THE UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE THAT EVERYONE CAN UNDERSTAND? THIS WAS A SESSION THAT WILL OPEN THE DOOR TO MANY PEOPLE AS THIS SESSION ENCOMPASSES ALL STYLES OF MUSIC AND SHOWS THAT ALL MUSIC COMES FROM THE SAME 12 TONES. SO WHY ALL THE COMPLICATIONS IN THE WORLD? THINGS CAN BE BEAUTIFUL WITHOUT ALL THE EGO, SHOW OFF HOW FAST CAN I PLAY BULLSHIT. SIT BACK, RELAX, DIG DEEP INTO YOUR HEART AND PLAY WHAT YOU FEEL BUT DO IT IN A HEART-FELT WAY AND ONLY LOOK FOR THE JOY YOU CAN BRING TO OTHERS AND NOT THE DOLLARS YOU CAN STEAL FROM THEIR WALLETS! LOVE ALWAYS and ALWAYS LOVE, HABIB

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