Surprise Me!

Japi Honoo x Seahope x War Child Curated by Love Through Design

2011-10-17 0 1,424 Vimeo

Japi Honoo is a subterranean, rushing stream, invisible to the eyes of those who dont' dare put their ears to the ground to feel its vibrations. She's pure creative energy pulsing in the veins of existence and flowing through ocean of intense feelings she is plunged in. Sometimes her underground power bursts out all of a sudden and breaks the deceptive surface of ordinary everyday life. In the twilight of Japi Honoo's inner self are hidden different universes made of perceptions, sensations and visions. The anamorphic lenses of her eyes conjure up anthropomorphic objects, symbolic realities full of sensuality, surreal characters and landscapes balanced on the edge between nightmares and bliss. All these elements combine in her soul to come out and take the shape of digital art. No rules, no rationality, no prototypes: simply real, self-sufficient one-offs. Japi Honoo is a mother, and the daughter of two countries: born on the hills of Central Italy, she now lives near charming Venice but her relationship with Japanese culture and aesthetic (the inspiration behind her nom the plume) is outstandingly strong, intimate and genuine. This says a bit about her dualism/antagonism/symbiosis towards materiality and spirituality.

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