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Friday, August 23, 2019: Part 1 - Storage, Driving to Pacific Northwest

2019-08-30 0 1 Vimeo

Chronicles of Sir Oisin Leif and Prince Cian on Friday, August 23, 2019 : Part 1 - Sir Oisin and Prince Cian early in the morning recap Thursday evening activities, pack up, and head off to storage for their last run of household stuff to Elizabeth storage units. They clear out their basement room and prepare for their trip to the Pacific Northwest, get everything organized and figure out what they'll need for the next few months. They drive north towards Fort Collins into stormy weather and atypical tornado compliant environments. Cian upset about his mom throwing out his pet snails. Soundtrack: Drive by Andrea Perry. Video blog on Magisto/youtube/Wordpress. Full tales at

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