Surprise Me!

Variations II of Variations II

2012-05-25 24 3,257 Vimeo

Variations II of Variations II : May 14 - 18 2012 Installation at Integrated Media Studio Valencia CA by Jinku Kim Variations II of Variations II is a kinetic sculpture inspired by John Cage's Variations series. 
Cage’s Variations II is a graphical composition that generates musical events using measurements of distance between dots and lines on a piece of paper. In my realization of Variations II, the instructions for the piece determine the behavior of rotating panels and images synchronized to be projected onto the sculpture. Motors drive the rotation of the panels, and are used as a sound source for the audio portion of this piece. My next goal for this project is a live interactive audiovisual performance. The performers will function as a variable in a feedback loop between performer, sculpture and score. work in progress C/C++, Arduino, MaxMSP/Jitter,Stepper Motor

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