Surprise Me!

Preview of my new book - Ten Lessons from the Road

2009-05-02 5 1,596 Vimeo

I had so much time on the road to reflect on why I was doing my ride, what had motivated me to begin, what I was learning on the way, and what challenges I hope to take on in the future. In this book I have broken down these lessons into 10 simple chapters, illustrated with experiences from my journey and stunning photography that is sure to inspire and encourage. 10 simple points that led to the accomplishment of the biggest adventure of my life (so far), an accomplishment that in the beginning I felt was beyond me. Why only 10 lessons? Because we all have just one life, and the clock is ticking fast. We can’t spend too long theorising about how we are going to live our lives. Better that we get out and live them! So 10 lessons should be enough for now. Let’s get on and ride the roads we have always dreamed of riding, before it’s too late. Click here to read the first chapter of the book as a pdf, or visit

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