Surprise Me!

Chinese Zodiac.12生肖.Bito 甲蟲創意

2013-02-21 726 0 Vimeo

Twelve zodiac animals represent our continuous reproduction breed in an endless succession. Each animal guards and gives different meaningful attributes to each year by turns. The subject of the video is by using simple geometric shapes to portray each Zodiac animals. By animating the shapes, is not just creating a vivid visual, but also symbolizing how time flies. People should be always bravely looking forward, and to greet with joy for the new year. 【劉耕名 實驗動畫影片】 冬日歲末,立春在即。 12生肖,是最有耐力的時間使者,一棒接一棒傳承,遞延輪轉數千年,延續了光陰,繁衍了生機,生生不息。 12種動物,象徵12位守護者,凝聚福氣,驅除厄運。 影片利用抽象簡單的幾何圖形,組合串連具象的12生肖。 雖歲月荏苒,不停流動變化,不變的是,人們心中 對來年始終歡欣鼓舞、滿心盼望!勇敢迎接新年, 事事大順大旺! Director: Keng-Ming liu 劉耕名 Animation: 
Keng-Ming liu 劉耕名 Music: Wei San Hsu 許瑋珊

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