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GenerativeApp - Application concept for creating your own generative art

2010-01-24 9 1,383 Vimeo

GenerativeApp is an application for creating generative art and graphics on a multi-touch system. You can easily build complex generative art by using a visual programming interface. You can do this without writing one line of code. It grants a beginner easy access, but also has the ability of extensibility for the advanced user. The concept and development of this application is the topic of my bachelor thesis in winter semester 2009/2010 at the HAWK University for Applied Sciences and Art, Hildesheim, Germany. It was a collaboration with my fellow student Michael Helmbrecht. The prototype you see in the video was developed in flash/AS3 and is running on our self-made multi-touch table at the HAWK University. Info about the university: for further information about the application feel free to contact me! further information about the HAWK multi-touch table: application concept and development:

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