植健身Fit Plant

植健身Fit Plant

By Quasar Technology CO., LTD. (TW)


植健身 Fit Plant 有團課教室、多種重訓及有氧器材。 場館備有30台Cybex、LifeFitness及Hammer Strength等頂級固定式器械、 6站式Cable機、4座Rogue深蹲架、小飛鳥機、 奧運競技比賽專用槓鈴Uesaka、Rogue、 klokov 多功能心肺訓練機(無動力跑步機、划雪機、划船機、風扇車) 2.5公斤-55公斤的高品質無毒美國鷹啞鈴 2噸高品質無毒美國鷹競技型槓片 1288茁壯方案的訂閱制度, 有如訂報、訂網路串流播放器, 月付1288元,入會不綁約, 不限入場次數、時間, 場館1樓、2樓設備皆可使用。 如果您愛好上午運動,固定於09:00-17:00間入場 1088早鳥方案的訂閱制度也很適合您! 只限制入場時間,不限制出場時間。 (例如:可以從16:00運動到19:00) 場館內使用的器材皆為無毒材質, 空氣清淨機長時間開啟, 空氣清新無異味。 環境寬敞明亮, 綠色植株圍繞,健身也健心! *場館1樓為自由重量區,包含: XEBEX無動力跑步機、啞鈴、壺鈴、 小飛鳥、綜合訓練架、 筋膜放鬆工具、TRX懸吊訓練、彈力帶/繩、 AED自動體外心臟電擊去顫器 (一樓男廁內有密碼鎖置物櫃、盥洗室、 吹風機、dyson烘手機、免治馬桶) *場館2樓為機械重量區, 皆採用CYBEX設備,器材多元, 可訓練肩膀、背部、手部、臀部,腿部、胸部、核心, 也有六站式滑輪; 心肺器材有滑雪機、腳踏車、踏步機 (二樓女廁有設置密碼鎖置物櫃、盥洗室、 吹風機、dyson烘手機、免治馬桶、飲水機) 1288 program(Admission time 09:00 - 23:00) & 1088 program (Admission time 09:00 - 17:00) You can subscribe this program by paying 1088/1288 NT$ per month for the access to all equipments in the first and second floor. The equipments provided are all made by non-toxic materials. Air purifiers always open. The air is fresh without any weird odors. Our space is broad and bright. Plants surround you and help you feel relaxed. The first floor - free weights area, including… XEBEX non-motorized treadmill, dumbbell, barbell, kettlebell, bench, Cybex bravo advanced, training rig, SMR tools, TRX, rubber tubing/ band/ mini band. The second floor – weight machines area, including… All machines are made by Cybex, we offer you a variety of machines to train shoulder, back, arm, hip, legs, chest, and core. We also have 6 station cable. Or you can use , SkiErg, and air bikes to train your body.




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