Local Weather: YaWa

Local Weather: YaWa

By Pierre Stanislas

  • Category: Weather
  • Release Date: 2024-05-23
  • Current Version: 1.2
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 887.00 kB
  • Developer: Pierre Stanislas
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 17.0 or later.


Why on Earth would I build yet another weather app, you may ask? This is actually a very relevant question, considering the literal thousands of weather apps currently littering the App Store. The practical reason is the following: existing apps fell short in 3 very key areas: 1. I'm not interested in seeing the sun icon repeated multiple times on the screen if it's going to be sunny from 09:00 to 17:00 2. I'm (generally) not interested in seeing the weather at 3 in the morning 3. I'm not interested in a whole bunch of bloated data like the dew point, UV index and whatnot And so the answer is YaWa, my own take on what should be a weather app: - similar forecasts accross time ranges are grouped. - you can hide what you would deem as "night time". For me it's anything after 18:00, and yes, I know, I'm getting old. That's it. Enjoy!




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