Dreams Are Built Overnight - David, Shands & Eric Thomas

Dreams Are Built Overnight

By David, Shands & Eric Thomas

  • Release Date: 2016-05-02
  • Genre: Small Business & Entrepreneurship
Score: 4.5
From 41 Ratings


David Shands is a fashion mogul and inspirational leader. From employee to employer, David worked in various customer oriented industries by day while building his own apparel business by night. He coined the phrase "Sleep is 4 Suckers" starting out with wristbands and a unique story, later evolving into a clothing line and way of life. A specialist in motivational speaking and mindset tailoring, David works to inspire and uplift many with his brand's tag line: "if you lose sleep doing what you love, you will eventually live the dream that you only would have dreamt." In a few short years, the "Sleep Is 4 Suckers" concept has evolved from selling t-shirt's out of the back seat of his car, to selling his message on apparel across the globe. David lives by the "Sleep Is 4 Suckers" motto and has an entrepreneurial spirit that continues to garner recognition from his peers and others from all walks of life. David stretches you and commands greatness from anyone who falls under the sound of his voice. Staying the same is never an option after an encounter with David Shands, and this book is no exception. So if you're ready to make the transition from your job to your dream like David, we invite you into the pages of this well-written, easy to read work of art.


  • This book is simple but a life changer

    By MuddyWaters09
    This book spoke to me in many ways. Reading his letter to his mother and the phone call to his father really got me on so many different levels but the obedience to God is what really caught my eye in this book. It’s something I will fully apply to my life.
  • So many nuggets in this Book

    By Flyberries
    This book is a quick read, yet so many nuggets were dropped. Relatable and Inspirational story from the author. Looking forward to implementing the tools learned.
  • Awesome

    By Chicagofit
    This book was awesome, I thoroughly enjoyed the real life applications and the transparency of this book. I can truly relate in so many areas of my life by reading this book. I will certainly take a lot of these nuggets given and apply them in my life. I am truly at a crossroad in my life at the age of 43 and it is time for a change. Thank you so much for sharing your truths and testimony!!
  • So practical, thoughtful, and relatable.

    By Ashia Clark
    I have had the honor of not only meeting David, by working with him for a short period of time. I literally read the entire book in his voice, you know the little voice inside you're head lol. I recommend this book to anyone who is simply looking to better themselves, whether you're and employee, student, entrepreneur, or a combination of those. This book is so amazing and I'm actually upset that it took me this long to read it. I loved everything about the approach I felt as if I was there with David throughout each chapter, it was so great. Thank you for all the you do David!!! Truly an inspiration for myself and countless others. Can't wait to read your next book!!
  • Dreams Are Built Overnight

    By Rdvu
    Great insight into the seemingly elusive world of entrepreneurship. The fact the David Shands is average joe kind of guy, should be all the motivation anyone would need to take the hardest step into a new life path, which is "the 1st step".
  • Different Way Of Thinking

    By Hardheadedrican
    I love this book! It help me look at my goals in a more realistic way and actually put a start on them. Put the fears and what everyone says aside and go for it.


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