800 Common Spanish Verbs With Exercises - Erkan Demir

800 Common Spanish Verbs With Exercises

By Erkan Demir

  • Release Date: 2019-03-26
  • Genre: Spanish Language Studies


* Want to learn 800 most common Spanish verbs with exercises? * Are you looking for a book that combines both Spanish vocabulary and Spanish exercises? If your answer is “yes” to these above questions, then this book is perfect for you. This book is a combination of 800 most common Spanish verbs in example sentences and with engaging 572 Spanish exercises. An example verb in the sentence from the book: 34. adelgazar: lo lose weight, to slim down Gerund: adelgazando Participle: adelgazado • Tienes que hacer dieta para adelgazar. • Podemos adelgazar juntos si hacemos ejercicio. • ¿Cómo puedo adelgazar sin ponerse a dieta? • Quiero adelgazar con ayuda de la Hipnosis. • Su novio la dejó porque ella adelgazó con 60 kilos. • Hayalimentos que te ayudarán a adelgazar y mantenerte sano. • ¿Y si la comida más importante del día para adelgazar fuera la cena y no el desayuno? An example exercise question from the book: La lista de multimillonarios ..... por la revista Forbes esta semana está llena de nombres conocidos. A. publicada B. disponga C. descubierta D. editada Building your vocabulary requires more than flashcards. Memorizing words one by one is rarely the most enjoyable way to build up your vocabulary. This book ends that. The book covers all the vocabulary needed by people aiming for improving their Spanish vocabulary with over 3200 example sentences and with 572 exercises.


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