The Bloodless Assassin - Celine Jeanjean

The Bloodless Assassin

By Celine Jeanjean

  • Release Date: 2015-07-27
  • Genre: Epic Fantasy
Score: 4
From 161 Ratings


★ ★ ★ ★ ★"I AM FLAILING, THIS BOOK WAS SO GOOD!" - Emily Wrayburn, Goodreads

★ ★ ★ ★ ★"Rory and Longinus are amazingly lovable, though super quirky characters." - Jane Firebaugh, Goodreads

Blackmail an assassin? Who would do such a thing?

Someone pretty desperate, that's who. Which is exactly the position Rory finds herself in.

As a scrawny, dreadlocked pickpocket who grew up on the street, life hasn't given her a ton of options. On top of which, her partner in crime has screwed her over for all her money, so she can no longer pay for the sword master who was supposed to train her—her ticket to a new life.

She's not prepared to give up on her dream of becoming a great sword fighter, though. Which is why when she stumbles across an assassin's secret, she immediately sniffs an opportunity. Blackmail can be a pretty effective strategy, after all. If he trains her, she'll keep her mouth shut.

The risks in blackmailing an assassin are pretty high, but if she can pull it off, she might finally be able to realise her dream.

That is until she realises that the assassin's she's blackmailing is nothing like what she thought, and she's landed herself into far more trouble than she bargained for.

Delve into The Bloodless Assassin, book 1 of a complete 9 book series that's packed with adventure, banter, and quirky characters, all set in a richly imagined tropical world.

Other books in the series:

#1 The Bloodless Assassin
#2 The Black Orchid
#3 The Slave City
#4 The Doll Maker
#5 The White Hornet
#6 The Shadow Palace
#7 The Opium Smuggler
#8 The Veiled War
#9 The Rising Rooks


  • The Bloodless assassin

    By Derrick England
    Interesting characters and the writing flows well but there is a sense of disjointedness that is hard to get passed. When the writer works hard to make something fit or explain something it is usually quickly followed by something that (and yes this is a fanciful novel) i have to suspend disbelief or worse I just ended up scratching my head wondering if her editor was awake when reading this. There are pointless dead ends or explanations of actions and plot that could stand a plausible rationale but are left to hang. I found myself wanting to like it but just couldn’t get there. Two stars as it entertained for a while before I put it down.
  • Diamond in the … lace? Ponce?

    By Xalseqsn
    Unexpectedly good … after the first few chapters the flavors mix to achieve complexity belied by their … initially a trifle off-putting … rather piquant individual tangs.
  • Surprisingly good!

    By chinasimona
    A friend recommended me this book and even thought I’ve never read this kind of books I’ve enjoyed a lot. I can’t wait the next one! #Iwanthemovie!
  • Be Prepared For The Unexpected

    By jollerly
    Another place, another time, and another culture. New adventures with new people. The plot continues to develop with new arch enemies that seem to be unbeatable. Of course politics must come in to play also. Friends betray and some you thought were enemies turn out to be friends! Bodies keep piling up and some killers seem to have morals and a conscious! My, what a strange and exciting place. You must read this delightful book and follow the adventures of a street kid and a gentleman assassin. You never know what you will find around the next corner, so watch out!


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