Scoring the Keeper's Sister - Delancey Stewart

Scoring the Keeper's Sister

By Delancey Stewart

  • Release Date: 2019-02-11
  • Genre: Romantic Comedies
Score: 4
From 321 Ratings


PR rep Erica tries out the respected Mr. Match service to find the one ... but what happens when "the one" turns out to be the one guy she absolutely can't stand?

Fernando Fuerte is a total player. In every sense of the word. He’s star forward for the Sharks, the pro soccer team where I handle PR.

And I loathe him.

So when Mr. Match matches us, I know there's a mistake. And when my brother bets me I couldn't get Fuerte to ask me out even if we were a perfect match? I can't turn down a bet... even if I don't really want to go out with Fernando. Because. I don't. At all. 

The problem is that the closer I get to Fuerte, the more I start to see that he’s actually a good guy. And the closer I'm afraid I am to becoming just another girl in his long line of dates.

If I fall for him, can I win more than just the ridiculous cheese bet I made with my brother? Can I actually win Fuerte’s love?

Scoring with the Keeper’s Sister is a hilariously fun romantic comedy featuring an annoyingly hot pro soccer player, a gloriously silly goalie as his best friend, a bet about Wensleydale cheese, and the matchmaking site everyone is talking about. It’s part of a lighthearted and fun series, but it stands alone with no cheating or cliffhangers.

"Fun, flirty, and laugh-out-loud funny!" -- Bestselling Author Pippa Grant

Five Star Review from Readers' Favorite: "Scoring the Keeper's Sister by Delancey Stewart was flirty, hilarious, and too entertaining to put down."


  • Scoring the Keeper’s Sister

    By Lorraine All
    Cute, funny and romantic with a HEA. And I loved the titles of the chapters-unexpected.
  • Scoring the Keeper’s Sister

    By sbsbrinson
    Cute love story! Very good read!
  • Scoring The Keeper’s Sister : Book 1 Mr. Match Series by Delancey Stewart

    By R Starchman
    This was a fantastic book and I loved the interaction between the people in the story. Erica and Fernando were very hostile to each mother until Mr. Match determined they were Match . These two deserved a HEA.
  • Started out fine

    By AngellaLynnette
    Started out fairly interesting went downhill from there.


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