City of Keys - Kat Ross

City of Keys

By Kat Ross

  • Release Date: 2022-08-25
  • Genre: Epic Fantasy
Score: 5
From 60 Ratings


Lust is a siren . . .

Greed is a dragon . . .

But revenge is the most seductive mistress of all.

Held captive in Dur-Athaara, Malach would give anything to return to the land he once despised. 

But the witch-queen has declared him too dangerous to run loose, a prophecy that proves right when he escapes to wreak havoc on a continent already poised at the brink of civil war.

Across the sea in the icy fortress of Sinjali’s Lance, Alexei's brother grows more dangerous by the day. Desperate to find a cure for Mikhail's Nightmark, they return to Nantwich, where Kasia is hunting the Order of the Black Sun. 

Forbidden to use her power, she walks a razor’s edge. The Red King stalks her dreams. Is she strong enough to resist his seductive whispers?

As armies gather, and the Black Sun rises over the Morho Sarpanitum, sworn enemies must join forces to stop an unspeakable evil from devouring the world.

You'll love Book #3 in the Nightmarked series because of the complex antiheroes, kick-ass women and immersive world-building.

Get it now.


  • My favorite of the series so far

    By mmarcone912
    I really like what the author has done with Malach’s character. I liked that this book was more focused on his and Nikola’s perspective rather than Kasia and Alexei’s. There are many interesting threads happening in this book and I’m looking forward to seeing how they unravel.
  • City of Keys

    By Dhjufdc
    Every thing this Author writes is spellbinding. This definitely a must have. I never miss a book by Kat Ross.


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