What Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Believe? Answers Christians Need to Know - John Ankerberg

What Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Believe? Answers Christians Need to Know

By John Ankerberg

  • Release Date: 2011-10-14
  • Genre: Comparative Religion
Score: 2
From 19 Ratings


Did you know that one in every 282 Americans is a Jehovah’s Witness? When a Jehovah’s Witness knocks on your door, do you know what to say? Now you can! In What Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Believe? you’ll experience Dr. Ankerberg’s interviews with three former Jehovah’s Witnesses and two experts on this growing religious movement. Topics include: The background of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. What do Jehovah’s Witnesses teach about Jesus, the Trinity, and other biblical beliefs? What is different about their Bible, the New World Translation? Why don’t Jehovah’s Witnesses celebrate birthdays, Christmas, Easter, participate in patriotic activities or the armed forces, and refuse blood transfusions? How can I share my faith with a Jehovah’s Witness? This and much more are included in this book. You’ll find yourself more equipped in your own beliefs and be better prepared to discuss your faith with Jehovah’s Witnesses.


  • This is not correct

    By Kagamix101
    I'm one of Jehovah's witnesses and this is not correct. I'd you really want to know about Jehovah's witnesses why don't you just ask them? It would be a good Idea.
  • Perish!

    By Blakesterman101
    Perish! Stop talkin negative about us. Die!! Just kidding but stop being mean.
  • 👎👎👎👎

    By SulamitaG
    I read this book out of curiosity & just to clear the air. If you don't want to know about the religion then just say so. Don't be rude about it.
  • 👎

    By Smiley
    If u wanna learn about Jehovah's witnesses then go ask them yourself
  • 👎👎👎👎👎👎

    By Eri jot
    Demonic book from the devil himself
  • This book is misleading, FALSEHOOD!!!

    By Brooklyn P.R
    If you want to know whether or not Jehovah's Witnesses teach the truth look into your Bible. Nothing they teach comes from there personal opinions or theories. This is something that you will realize only if you read the Bible yourself not a book like this by a person that hates Jehovah's Witnesses and speaks lies slandering them. In the book of 2 Timothy 3:16 it brings out that "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching" So if we want to learn the truth about God we need to study His word the Bible. This is what Jehovah's Witnesses help poeple do through out the whole world.
  • Matt.10:8 Receiver Free , give Free

    By Hot Rod #1
    Save your $ if you World like to know about them Don't you think you Seouls Save your $ and ASK them ? Use your bible if Need be .. The truth will Set you Free. I give this a nö star
  • This is a awful book.

    By Rileysurfergirl
    I am a Jehovah's witness and it's sad to think that people spend their hard earned money just to buy a book that is wrong. Here is the only thing u need to know, if u don't want to hear it we will walk away, simple as that. We don't want to offend anyone.


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