Obsession Falls - Christina Dodd

Obsession Falls

By Christina Dodd

  • Release Date: 2015-09-08
  • Genre: Romantic Suspense
Score: 4
From 60 Ratings


In Obsession Falls, New York Times bestselling author Christina Dodd returns to the town of Virtue Falls, Washington-an idyllic place on the surface, but one that holds close its secrets...

When Taylor Summers witnesses the death threat to a young boy, she does the only thing she can do-she sacrifices herself to distract the killers. Her reward is a life in ruins, on the run in the wilderness, barely surviving a bitter winter and the even more bitter knowledge she has lost everything: her career, her reputation, her identity. She finds refuge in Virtue Falls, and there comes face to face with the knowledge that, to live her life again, she must enlist the help of the man who does not trust her to defeat the man who would destroy her.

She's being hunted, but it's time to turn the tables....


  • Obsession Falls

    By Sandie.Lynn
    Great book, but all your books a good.
  • Great Second Book in series!

    By Lvbum115
    I've been a Christina Dodd fan for years, when she ventured into romantic suspense, I just followed along. I'm really enjoying her Virtual Falls series. They are stand alone, although there is cross over of some secondary characters and we get to revisit the main couple from book one. I have to say, as a novel, I enjoyed this story more than the first. But, the romance was almost an after thought. I thought I would mind that, but Summer's (Taylor) character was so well done, her story so engrossing, I didn't care that the romance was secondary. The storytelling just catches you up and I found myself flying through the pages to see what was going to happen to Summer next. I don't like to give away anything that happens in my reviews, but the last third of the book, I loved the suspense and how everything played out. The cast of characters was just fantastic, and I have to say, I really wasn't sure where Summer was going to end up. Ps. I really want to see Kateri get her own HEA (even if she doesn't get her own book)


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