Price Check

Price Check

By Michael Walker

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2012-11-16
  • Advisory Rating: Unrated
  • Runtime: 1h 32min
  • Director: Michael Walker
  • Production Company: NYRA Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 34 Ratings


Pete Cozy (Eric Mabius) has found himself a house in the suburbs and a job in the pricing department of a middling supermarket chain. Pete's job allows him to spend quality time with his wife and young son and, despite the fact that they are drowning in debts, they appear happy. Everything changes when Pete gets a new boss, the beautiful, high powered, fast talking Susan Felders (Parker Posey). With Susan's influence, Pete finds himself on the executive track.. Something that both surprises and excites him. The more his salary increases, the more he has to perform at work… and the less time he gets to spend with his family. At the same time, his relationship with his boss begins to cross the line of professional etiquette. Both become enamored with one another – creating tension in the workplace and in his personal home life. PRICE CHECK is a smart and honest comedy that examines who we think we are and what we’re willing to do for the life we think we deserve.




  • Pretty good entertainment. Ending somewhat lame.

    By Joe9074
    Not a bad movie. Kept me interested the whole time. Writers had trouble with a 'fair' ending in my opinion. 3/5 stars.
  • Typical American Boss

    By SushiRobot
    Posey is annoying as the typical American boss who likes to hear themselves talk and turns everything into an emergency. The guy is bland and lacks a personality. So so movie.
  • Guess I forgot to laugh.

    By Dabba do
    Poorly categorized as a comedy, the plot begins to lose cohesion after 30 minutes. Posey's character is unlikable and grating. Mabius plays a struggling husband who you really want to root for, but the script never gives him a chance.
  • Despite the cliches, the movie speaks truth about supermarkets

    By outkastsk8er20
    This movie just goes to show you how much actual work gets done in the coporate side of the supermarket chain. Just a bunch of overpaid figures thinking up things a 5th grader could conjure... Meanwhile the people who actually work in the stores don't see a lick of incentive for their efforts.
  • Unpleasant, Unfun, Uninteresting

    By ABordeau115
    Parker Posey is NOT cute crazy in this one. I love a good indie flick but this was just hard to watch. Depressing and not the least bit funny.
  • A big surprise, definitely

    By korgri
    This movie turned out to be a lot better than what you could gather from the trailer. It could use a second trip thru Final Cut Pro to fix the contrast and bring up more color, the lighting is remarkably fluorescent-bland, but it unintentionally makes for a remarkable ironic juxtaposition to how colorful the characters are. Surprisingly well written and acted, despite the fact that neither of these impressions are gleanable from the promo work. Parker does a great turn with her character, the kind of high energy-low talent individuals who pervade a significant portion of middle corporate America. What they lack in real human skills they make up in loud obnoxious behaviour and trite intimidation techniques. Yet.. Parker makes her likeable.. somehow. Even sympathetic. Faye Dunaway played a similar character in 'Network', yet with a far more tragic spin. Hopefully someone will give it that second run through post production to fix the 'fluorescent light' look, but it's easy to get past that one fault. It's definitely worth the ride.
  • Wait until it's 99 cents

    By mezzeta
    Posey is great and it starts off well and then falls into the dark hole of 'the writers couldn't figure out how to end it' genre. Save your money and wait until it only costs 99 cents or less.
  • A movie that hates men

    By Hawk19539
    The protagonist is made to be a philandering wimp that has a wife who loves debt and wants a second kid he doesn't want to which she gets anyway. And the antagonist is the male version of a manipulative womanizer who wants a kid as well with the help of the wimp. If one really pays attention, the hidden male bashing is clearly evident.
  • Waste of time

    By Kyles ipad12345678901
    Don't bother. This is a movie about nothing. And it's not funny.
  • Excellent Movie

    By syntrak
    Definitely worth watching, entertaining, good storyline and some good acting. Also quite funny.



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