Limón y Sal

Julieta Venegas

  • Genre: Pop
  • Release Date: 2007-01-11
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 3:35

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  • simon

    By dongamandapio
    la neta el video y la rola estan perrones me late un buen la julieta i love you julieta
  • We want more!!! (Queremos mas!)

    By EcuadorGirl
    It's great that we have these music videos from Julieta Venegas, but why not more? hello, iTunes, she is getting really popular in other countries (like Mexico!), so why can't she be popular enough HERE to have more of her music and videos listed? Tambien, yo no soy estupido, puedo hablar en espanol tambien. Yo no soy la unica, y lo se, y queremos mas musica en espanol! Julieta Venegas es un bien empieza, pero todavia hay mas que podria tener. Gracias!
  • Very delighted

    By bronzeskin
    Julieta Venegas' music videos are always a very pleasant visual experience. Limon y sal is a very catchy song, combined with a fun, creative and original clip, the result is a great mix (like a good corona with lemon and salt.) It demonstrates why Julieta Venegas is one of the Latin's music most popular artist. Andar Conmigo video is also amazing. Hopefully Itunes keep bringing her videos.

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