Surprise Me!

SUBSPACE // Spasibo&Odalisca

2013-12-10 3 0 Vimeo

The video work is a research in progress aiming at digging into the BDSM community in Beirut to find out how this subculture is taking shape in the very peculiar Lebanese context. The work would like to focus especially on the role of mistresses in the scene and on their paradoxical relation with the macho context they’re plunged in. Is there any connection between the violence they like to inflict to men and the patriarchal context they’re living in - where the violence is often coming from the opposite direction? What’s pushing Lebanese men to abdicate momentarily and secretly from their social status local to be humiliated and abused by women? Is there any relation between the years of war the country has been passing through and the apparent necessity of conceiving intimate relationship under the sign of abuse and violence, expression of a hierarchical power relationship? Is there any link between feet fetishism and the visual aesthetic heritage according to whom only women’s extremities were let visible to men’s eyes?

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