Surprise Me!

Twilight Whispers - Emotional Fireworks

2014-11-08 3 Dailymotion

I’ve lost count of how many <br />days it’s been since our <br />eyes last met, shyly exchanging a <br />wishful gaze, <br />perfectly innocent and pure, <br />bursting with grace and honestly, <br />faith and love and desire, <br />glorious passion <br />glowing radiantly from our eyes, <br />dancing and flying through the air in <br />ribbons and wisps of smoke. <br />As your eyes met mine, in that <br />tiny, blissful moment where the <br />world contained <br />nothing but the <br />sand and sea, the <br />sun and the sky, <br />the Westerly breeze and, <br />you and I, our <br />love connected and there was an <br />almighty, crashing explosion of <br />colour as our thoughts <br />erupted silently into one. <br />Upon this realisation, no <br />words were spoken. <br />No words were needed, <br />for the fact that my <br />gaze had caught you <br />staring too meant more than <br />anything you could have said. <br />No matter how many days go by, <br />I will always remember that <br />perfect moment in which our <br />wandering hearts met, <br />shyly expressing their feelings through a <br />magnificent display of <br />colourfully emotional <br />fireworks.<br /><br />Twilight Whispers<br /><br />

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