Fall of the Citizens - Eric Thomas

Fall of the Citizens

By Eric Thomas

  • Release Date: 2012-07-22
  • Genre: Action & Adventure
Score: 4
From 13 Ratings


When you take away people's choices, the only choice left is revolution. Eric Thomas' debut thriller is an exciting, violent and thought provoking story that asks the question, "What happens after you've won the revolution?" The story centers around Josh, a member of the hacktivist group Anonymous, who is living in safe seclusion until he's recruited by a bloodthirsty group of revolutionaries called "The Citizens." They've launched a war on the wealthy; stealing Ebola vaccinations from rich pharmaceutical companies during a nation-wide outbreak of the disease and handing them out for free to the poor. Josh is reluctant to join until he meets Betty, a sarcastic, pink haired revolutionary motivated by her recent misfortune. Josh and Betty ride the wave of the uprising that will put them on the front line in the battle between the "haves" and the "have-nots," a classic class warfare struggle where the rights of the many finally outweigh the rights of the few.


  • Excellent!

    By JennMSU
    Kept my interest which is a feat unto itself. Great weekend or beach read. Fall of the Citizens is the 50 Shades of the educated set. Bravo!
  • Fall of the Citizens

    By Goodoldt
    Great book a real page turner I couldn't put it down. It ended to soon. I needed more when is the sequel.
  • A great twist on the struggle between the classes.

    By NUGirl15
    I really enjoyed this book. The first chapter does an incredible job of setting a scene that cannot help but leave you frantically devouring the remaining pages. The author presents a world where the United States is becoming increasingly divided between the rich and poor and the natives are becoming far too restless. This gives one of the books most well written characters, Max, the perfect opportunity to use his incredible gift for words and persuasion to set into motion his plans for a utopia where there is no more want. He gathers together a group he calls The Citizens and sets to work exploiting the economic woes of the poor to destabilize society itself. The story is told through the shifting narratives of the main leaders of The Citizens. The author does a great job creating a cast of characters that are rich in experiences and very relatable. I loved seeing the story unfold through the different perspectives of these vastly different people that came together for a common goal of no longer just accepting "that's just how the world works". I found myself completely sucked in to the building and tearing down of their relationships with each other and their reactions as the goal they worked so hard to achieve starts to crumble. I would highly recommend this book as it reminded me so much of the lessons that have come from our past and how extremely relevant they are to the situation many of us currently find ourselves in.


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