Swift Playgrounds

Swift Playgrounds

By Apple

  • Category: Education
  • Release Date: 2020-02-11
  • Current Version: 4.5.1
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 605.16 MB
  • Developer: Apple
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 13.0 or later.


Swift Playgrounds makes it fun to learn to code and build real apps. You solve interactive puzzles in the guided “Get Started with Code” and learn the basics of building apps in “Get Started with Apps.” You experiment with a wide range of challenges and samples that let you explore unique coding experiences. Swift Playgrounds doesn’t require any coding experience — it’s perfect for anyone just starting out, from eight to one-hundred-and-eight. The whole time you are learning Swift and SwiftUI, the powerful programming technologies created by Apple and used by professionals around the globe to build many of today’s most popular apps. And because it’s built to take advantage of real frameworks, Swift Playgrounds provides a one of a kind learning experience. Lessons Built-in • Apple-created lessons guide you through the core concepts of programming by using code to solve puzzles • See your code run in a beautiful, interactive 3D world that you can rotate and pinch to zoom using the trackpad • Animations introduce each new coding concept at a high-level before you dive into the puzzles • Glossary and built-in help pages give detailed information about available commands, frameworks, and terminology Explore and Create • Interactive coding shows the results of your code instantly, alongside your work • Step through code in playground books to highlight each line as it runs • Books provide a head start to create your own playgrounds that use graphics and sound • App Gallery walks you through the building blocks of apps, like tabbed navigation and downloading data Build Apps • Create real apps using SwiftUI • See your code changes reflected live while you type • Type quickly and accurately with inline code suggestions • Extend your app with an ecosystem of Swift packages • Navigate your code with project-wide search Smart Coding Assistance • Click and drag a brace to wrap a block of code inside a loop or conditional statement Drag and drop snippets of commonly-used code directly into your playground • Fix common code errors with helpful inline suggestions • Stay organized with automatic code formatting Real Swift and SwiftUI Code • Learn the same powerful Swift programming language used by the pros to create apps in the App Store Build dynamic, elegant apps using SwiftUI, a modern way to create user interfaces Access powerful frameworks such as SpriteKit for 2D games • Use Bluetooth APIs to write programs that communicate with real-world devices Share or Publish Send your projects to friends and family using Messages, Mail, AirDrop, or other Share Sheet extensions • Bring your app projects to Xcode on Mac and back again • Submit your completed apps to the App Store with App Store Connect



  • im not saying it is bad just...

    By kara's stars
    it is really great just it is confusing for me
  • Keeps crashing

    By seaamit
    Whenever using the built in playgrounds, it keeps asking to start over. Totally broken!
  • Paramerters

    By Taz Greg 52
    When trying to write the code for the first program in Paramerters it said to use moveForward() to move the Character. But when use it I get the following error; Cannot find 'moveForward' in scope.
  • Interesting app

    By JustACleverKid
    Its kinda boring i wish it was more fast paced.
  • Good

    By ManiacalMatt
    Still working on it.
  • i hate it

    By VMP55665566
    it for school
  • Nice Teaching Aid But Crashes Often

    By IllusionEarth
    I am running this app on a Mac Book Pro with a M2 CPU. While I find the application works well as a teaching tool, it crashes quite frequently causing me to lose some of my work for each lesson. It's rather frustrating.
  • I'm confused as to this apps purpose

    By B3-B
    Xcode has it's own playgrounds and i'm not sure what this is supossed to do differently. The version in xcode also doesn't crash. If the app is no longer supported, please remove it as per apple's house cleaning policies. If it is supported please update and provide clarification toward it's utility.
  • Middle of the pack...

    By Simplisticated Developments
    This app is great for kickstarting a passion for coding. The app not only teaches you how to code in Swift, but it teaches you to think like a cpu program (if-then statements, etc). Eventually, it can get sort of tedious and unnecessarily repetetive and I do not recommend going through everything that the app has to offer. The problem isn't with the app - it's with the code language!! Swift is a rather rigid, finicky language which really only works with apple. The language is an attempt by Apple to get more developers circulating in their app store - and to get more people invested in Apple technology. I would recommend trying to learn some C-based languages (C, C , C#) after this and maybe using a flexible platform like Unity. I do not recommend Xcode for next steps in coding and I would avoid Swift after using this app. Overall, good for basics, good for learning, but not a system I would invest too much time in!!
  • Crashes constantly

    By Xanthrick J.
    I have yet to use this app for more than an hour without it crashing and having to restart it. Also some of the provided learning examples don't even work, or give some very bad coding styles that are error prone in the real world.



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